Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bruneau Sand Dunes (Idaho State Park)

(to enjoy a bigger slideshow of pictures! click here)

Over Spring Break (which really wasn't spring, still rainy) we went to Bruneau Sand Dunes, it is one of the many Idaho State parks. It was fun, the kids really enjoyed it and it turned out to be perfect weather. It wasn't blistering hot like during the summer and it wasn't windy. At first we(Brandon and I) were only going to walk around the lake and watch the kids go up to the top of the Dune... but I wanted to show Brandon how strong I am so I started hiking up with the kids... and he followed. We made it to the top of the tallest Dune. Good thing there wasn't a camera available to take my picture during those last steep steps. We also had a soccer game, a baseball game and managed to sneak in a s'more around an evening campfire. It was a great time. You will have to ask Mason who makes the better campfire, Me or him(the boy scout!) Just kidding Mason.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Brooklyn and the talent show.

Brooklyn is becoming quite the performer. A friend of Brooklyn wanted her to help dance in a talent show with her.
Her mom taught them the dance, they practiced for a week and put on a good show. Quite the cute girls.