Saturday, September 12, 2009

Keaton's Birthday!

Today is Keaton's big's his birthday! When my kids have a birthday I try to make it all about them. Hopefully they'll look back on these days with fond memories. For lunch he wanted to go to sizzler. He got excited when we gave him his presents and to top it off they brought out a HUGE root beer float. Then at school they had a little party for him. Later that night family came over to celebrate with him. Keaton this year wanted a BSU and a cowboy theme, so we worked it out. The next day after school we took a few friends down to the BSU sub to bowl with him. Not sure if I'll do that again till their older! We love Keaton!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Fish Fry!

Labor Day Weekend
We decided at the last minute to take one final camping trip as a family. We wanted to make it more of a fishing trip this time. We camped at Red Fish, but drove to Deadwood Reservoir for the day to fish. The kids caught some great fish and they tasted delicious. The next day we spent it at the beach playing in the water and taking in the sun one more time.

Click here for bigger slideshow(click here).